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Do you struggle to lose weight?

Need accountability to stay consistent?

Find that self-sabotage ruins your progress?

Then join this #lose30Challenge for FREE.  🥳 You'll get 28 days to participate in the challenge for Free. 

After, it's only $9.00 per month or less than $2.50 per week for the support you need to shed those extra pounds and create the mindset and skillsets to keep the pounds off! 

So, if your resolution was "LOSE WEIGHT" Don't wait and don't procrastinate! Get in the challenge today and shed those extra pounds!

This challenge will give you the motivation, plan, and mindset training to realize your weight loss goals. 

What you'll get:

  • 12 Weeks (4-week segments) of community coaching, complete with both accountability tasks, weekly guidelines, mindset and habit technique training
  • Access to HIP Health and the #lose30 Challenge Community
  • Weekly accountability goals that earn points, badges, and prizes!
  • Access to the WhatsApp Chat group.

On average, it takes six months to lose 30 lbs.  For this reason, the challenge is divided into two 90-day (12-week) segments.  Each week you will receive goal packets that you will work towards. 

Please Note: The first 28 days of this challenge is free. Subsequently, the cost of the challenge is only $9.00 per month. You will be charged every month while on the challenge or accessing the HIP Health Community. You can cancel anytime. 

Disclaimer: This is not a medically supervised program. When you sign up and subscribe you agree to do so on your own volition.

RegenerateMeNow, Hadassah Jacobs, #lose30Challenge nor any entity, member or association connected to this challenge are liable for outcomes or results. If you have medical issues or questions, please consult your physician before starting this program/challenge.

This challenge is based on scientific studies proven to aid in improving gut health and weight loss. It's meant to be fun and informative! Results will vary depending on You, Your choices, and Your body determine outcomes and results and cannot be guaranteed.  

$9.00 USD

Every month

28 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases