MCTs and Polyphenols: The Power Duo of Healthy Eating

Incorporating a diet rich in MCT and Polyphenol foods help in weight loss, increased energy, and carb bypass. 

We're always looking for that miracle cure for weight loss and surprisingly there is more and more evidence that the combination of MCTs and polyphenols can help prevent carbohydrates from being stored as fat.

Here's a closer look at the science behind this claim:

MCTs and Carb Bypass

MCTs are a unique type of fat that are metabolized differently than other types of fat. They are rapidly absorbed by the liver and converted into ketones, which can be used as a source of energy. One of the ways that MCTs may help prevent carbs from being stored as fat is by increasing thermogenesis, which is the process by which the body burns calories to produce heat.

Studies have found that MCTs can increase thermogenesis and energy expenditure, which may help prevent carb storage.

Additionally, some research suggests that MCTs can increase insulin sensitivity, which is the...

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Reduce Cortisol—Reduce Belly Fat!

Have you ever noticed a little extra belly fat around your middle and wondered "where did that come from?' Especially if you are pre-mid or post menopausal, haven't changed your diet or are dieting?  

One of the main reasons is Cortisol. 

Losing belly fat can be a real challenge, but understanding the role of cortisol in the process can make all the difference. Cortisol is a hormone that is released in response to stress, and it can cause the body to store fat in the belly area. But don't worry, there are ways to keep cortisol levels in check and keep that belly fat from accumulating.

What is Cortisol? 

Cortisol is a hormone that is released by the adrenal glands in response to stress. It helps the body respond to stress by increasing blood sugar levels, suppressing the immune system, and increasing the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. When cortisol levels remain elevated for extended periods, it can lead to a variety of health issues, including...

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