What's In Your Celery?

regeneratemenow Feb 27, 2019

Hi Everyone!

Right now I am juicing celery juice every morning (well for the last 3 days). it is so nasty tasting I have to take a sip of Rooibos tea after every few sips. Well, I always say, "if it's nasty tasting find something else" - with this exception "Celery Juice!" When you deep dive into this little plant that, has always been our "go-to diet hors d'oeuvre" with peanut butter, cream cheese, dates, and (if you remember) the Kraft Easy Cheese that added that "fancy look to your Celery," - you are blown away at its health benefits! Yep, celery as our "diet go-to" is now obsolete. What now? It's becoming our "life-style go-to" Check out the video below!

If you're looking for a proven weight loss/gut healing lifestyle then check out www.regeneratemenow.com



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How The RMN Blog Works!

blog how to search works Aug 10, 2018

This title may seem like a "no brainer."  You might be thinking, "I know how a blog works" -- and you most probably do! However, your neighbor may not, so we want to make sure that instructions are here, just in case. 

Blogs are online information outlets.

 It's like going to a clothing or electrical outlet looking for that specific something, only to find you are inundated with a whole lot of things. For the most part, everything you see at the outlet store is associated with the outlet category - nevertheless, you have to search for that "thing" you went there for.  

So, like a Retail Outlet Store, the RegenerateMeNow blog is an online information outlet.  An outlet of information that pertains to your health, nutritional challenges, weight loss, and nutraceuticals (don't worry, I'll do a blog on "what nutraceuticals are.") 

Now, the key to navigating this online information outlet is by searching the topic(s) you are interested in.  


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Welcome To A Blog "About You!"

Have you ever heard of such a thing?  Someone writing about you who has never met you?  Strange as that may seem, the truth is, we've probably met.  Maybe not in person, but in commonality.  By that I mean, you and I, have more than likely struggled through similar tests, trials, thoughts, successes, failure, ups, downs, and most importantly "perceptions."  

If you and I have anything in common, we've met each other coming and going!  And there is no one I hate to discuss or talk about more than "me."  So, let's talk about you! 

If you are on this blog, it's probably because you have a problem you need solved or a friend by your side.  You're hopefully looking for someone or a connection that resonates and understands you.  

And, if I understand one thing in life, it's that "like begets like."  We may look different, speak different languages, and have our own unique styles, however, there is that "like connection" that makes us...

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